Intro to Shooting Guide - Complete Online Course from The Pond

$22.05 CAD

In this course you will learn all the shooting basics. You will gain an understanding of puck movement and location, timing of the release, impact of hand positioning, using the stick as a lever, snap vs wind-up, weigh shift and more.

At the end of this course you should be able to shoot the puck at the net with varying degrees of accuracy and power.

Includes 11 Lessons:

  1. Puck Movement
  2. Timing of Release
  3. Puck Location
  4. Hand Grip
  5. Top Hand Role
  6. Bottom Hand Role
  7. Snap vs Wind Up
  8. Stick as Lever – Flex
  9. Knee Bend
  10. Stance – Inside vs Outside
  11. Weight Shift